Support Request: SiteRemote - Instructions for Upgrade on Existing/New Server


Hello, could I please get a copy of the most recent instructions to upgrade the database on an existing SiteRemote server and/or the instructions to move SiteRemote to a new server. Thank you

Answer: (3)

Re: SiteRemote - Instructions for Upgrade on Existing/New Server 21/11/2022 22:31

Thank you for your inquiry. You can find instructions for SiteRemote Server Installs/Upgrades in our Brochures Area:

Before you do, you need to reach out to Sales ( sales-america(at) ) to renew your license and support. Further clarifications and instructions can be given there.

It might be much better to install on a newer Windows Server OS than upgrading your server as you risk deregistering your devices as they try to connect to your old server while you are upgrading. With careful steps, you can upgrade your current server, but it requires uninstalling most of the old required services like Application Request Routing and Core Windows Server Hosting, etc. More information can be provided by email.

Best regards,
Re: SiteRemote - Instructions for Upgrade on Existing/New Server 21/11/2022 23:12
Excellent, thanks for your quick response, information, and recommendations!
Re: SiteRemote - Instructions for Upgrade on Existing/New Server 22/11/2022 14:43
You are welcome!

Best regards,
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