Support Request: Built in camera usage


looking for a way to allow users to take pictures using the built-in camera, then be able to attach the picture later on. the Web app that is being used does not do any calls for the camera at all, only wants to find files. how would we call the windows 10 built-in camera app.

Answer: (1)

Re: Built in camera usage 8/13/2021 6:50 PM
The Camera app in Windows 10 is a UWP app which is generally not compatible with SiteKiosk. The best option would be to use an installed application with exe file to control and take pictures with your camera. There is a work around for using UWP apps with SiteKiosk but has many limitations and needs to be set up on a machine by machine basis. You will find the work around described in the Readme file at "C:\Program Files (x86)\SiteKiosk\UWP\Readme.txt".
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