Soporte de pedidos: Microsoft Surface


I have deployed SiteKiosk on several Microsoft Surface 3's (not Pro).running Windows 8.1. Some of them power off after a few hours. All settings in the power config are set to 'Do Nothing'. While I don't believe this is an issue with SiteKiosk I am wondering if you have any configuration insights.

The second issue is that I have them set to only connect to a Jace device via http. I am using the full screen skin. The Jace web pages require Java to operate. The browser on some, but not all, of the Surfaces will just stop responding. The Surface is still running. I can hit ESC and enter the password, and then restart SiteKiosk and it starts working again. There is no apparent timeout or attempted restart, it just goes non-responsive. Any ideas?

Respuesta: (1)

Re: Microsoft Surface 14/08/2015 16:30
Regarding the power issue, does the same thing happen in Start Once and in Autostart? The only option for SiteKiosk to sleep/power down are in the SiteKiosk configuration tool under >Basic >Maintenance or through a scheduled job in SiteRemote.

In full screen mode no part of SiteKiosk is visible. It sounds like the content of the web page or applet has frozen but not the actual browser. Generally if the browser is stuck or loading a page for more than 30 seconds, the SiteKiosk software watchdog would restart SiteKiosk. How did you put SiteKiosk in full screen mode? There are 3 different ways to do this. You could test all three to see if there is a difference. 1. would be to use the "Fullscreen Skin". 2. would be to choose one of the IE skins and use the "Fullscreen" button to activate fullscreen mode. 3. would be to choose the "Chrome Fullscreen Browser".
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