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Documentation for the Definition file for Start Page Layouts

The XML definition file for the start page layout contains all the necessary information to run a start page layout.

Please note:
Some basic knowledge is necessary to create a separate keyboard layout. For obvious reasons we cannot (apart from this documentation) provide free support for creating personalized skins.
1. General Structure of the Definition File
The structure of the definition file is to be described on the basis the file of a specific starting page layout.
The following is an excerpt of the most important elements of the file: 

<startpagedef name="Desktop Startpage">

The Elements and Attributes of the Definition File
2.1 startpagedef-Element
Each layout begins with the a startpagedef element.

<startpagedef name="Desktop Startpage">


Defines the name of the home page. The contents of this attribute are displayed in the SiteKiosk configuration. The attribute name must be unique for each layout.
2.2 confightml-Element
Specifies the path to the file that is used to display the Customize dialog for the start page layout in the configuration tool of SiteKiosk. This information is optional and only necessary if a Customize dialog should be used.


2.3 common-Element:
Summarizing element for various general parameters of the start page layout.


The following parameters are available:


A start page layout is displayed only in the main window of the SiteKiosk browser. This parameter determines what is displayed in a newly opened browser window, unless it was opened by the link to an explicitly specified URL.

Boolean value, used only for internal purposes, should be set to false.

Boolean value indicating whether the start page layout occupies the entire screen. For a start page layout of this parameter should almost always be true.

Boolean value that indicates whether a taskbar is visible.

Boolean value that indicates whether a status bar is visible.

URL responsible for the actual presentation of the main window of the start page layout..

See also

Manually Configurable Options
Language Files
Browser Layout
Keyboard Layout
Remapping Keys

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