Support Request: error inserting messages into logfiles



I have major problem with SiteKiosk logfiles, it stopped inserting info about coins into logfiles, so we don't know how much cash is there exactly.
Only 25% of all cases there's message: "Coin 11: 'XX' was accepted" where XX is any coin.
But there's is always info that "Credit: PLN X.XXXX by Interface: cc-Talk" where X.XXX is any value.

It suddenly happened on almost all of our webkiosks. What could be the reason?

I can send a lot more logs than that.

Please help


Answer: (3)

Re: error inserting messages into logfiles 6/18/2007 12:50 PM

The money accounting of SiteKiosk works correctly as SiteKiosk is using the entry
“[SiteCash] Credit: PLN 2.000000 by Interface: cc-Talk” which always appears.

In this case a user has inserted 2 zł.

The entry “[ccTalk] Coin 11: '2zł' was accepted” was generated by your ccTalk device.
I don’t know why it appears only at 25% of the time but this entry is irrelevant for the money accounting of SiteKiosk.

Michael Olbrich
Re: error inserting messages into logfiles 7/10/2007 12:51 PM
That's a pity, cause coins not always have set value in program that is equal to what they represent. In that case CREDIT and also SiteRemote will show wrong summary?
Re: error inserting messages into logfiles 7/12/2007 12:31 PM

as the SiteKiosk and SiteRemote accounting operates with “[SiteCash] Credit:" it will work correctly.

Michael Olbrich
My Account
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