Support Anfrage: Reg Issue


Program keeps asking for registration information over and over again.


Program keeps asking for registration information over and over again.

Antwort: (4)

Re: Reg Issue 27.02.2013 15:48
This is on Windows Vista
Re: Reg Issue 27.02.2013 17:42
If the installation becomes unregistered, this normally means the license is in use on too many machines. I looked up your account and your license is valid for 1 SiteKiosk installation. Re-register your installation and note the time and also the time when you first notice it becomes unregistered. Please contact sales-us(at) for more information.
Re: Reg Issue 05.03.2013 16:05
I bought this license in June 2011. It has worked fine for nearly 2 years. Now it keeps de-registering itself. Please help.
Re: Reg Issue 05.03.2013 16:26
If the license registered without a problem and then the machine became unregistered that indicate the license is running on too many machines at a time. This license is only valid for use on 1 machine. Please make sure that your license is only running on 1 machine. The only option is to re-register your kiosk and make sure that the license is only running on 1 machine.
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