FAQ: How can I exchange files between my local hard drive and my remote machines?


You can do this in several different ways:

1. Create a job to transfer files to a number of machines simultaneously.
To create a job, select the tab "Jobs" and click on "New Job." The appearing job editor allows you to choose "File Upload" OR "Webfile(s) Download" as action type and to select the machines which you want to perform this job by checking the corresponding checkboxes next to the machines and folders listed in the tree view.

2. You can also use the file exchange option of VNC Remote Desktop to transfer larger files to and from an individual terminal.
VNC can be accessed with the "Start" Button for VNC Remote Desktop that will be displayed at the overview page of the machine.

3. Also the additional tool Terminal Commander that can be downloaded from the “Extras” section under your team can be used for a direct file transmission to a machine and further file operations are possible (Delete, Rename, Copy, Move). If you want to use the Terminal Commander with SiteRemote 3 please download the new version from the “Extras” section under your team.

4. You use the integrated File Manager for synchronizing files (available since SiteRemote 3).

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