FAQ: Which restrictions apply when uploading files to SiteKiosk machines?


You can only use SiteRemote's Web application to upload files with a maximum size of 12MB and to assign them to different SiteKiosk terminals by an upload job (On your own SiteRemote Server you can change this value in the SiteRemote Administration).

However, you can also use the file exchange option of VNC Remote Desktop to transfer larger files to and from an individual terminal.
You can access the machine with the "Start" Button for VNC Remote Desktop that will be displayed at the overview page of the machine.

Or you use the additional tool Terminal Commander that can be downloaded from the “Extras” section under your team.
It can be used for a direct file transmission to a machine and further file operations are possible (Delete, Rename, Copy, Move).
If you want to use the Terminal Commander with SiteRemote 3 please download the new version from the “Extras” section under your team.

If you want to publish the file(s) to several machines at once you should have a look to the integrated File Manager available since SiteRemote 3 which can be used for synchronizing files.
You use the “Webfiles(s) Download” Job that does use an URL download to download a file/files to machines from a specified URL.

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