Support Request: Taskmanager open up with Runas


Auto start Sitekiosk with only the browser, go to admin menu, classic view, run taskmanager ( this opens up the RunAs screen ).

The runas screen comes behind the admin panel, gives you only a few seconds to drag away and activate the RunAs screen, if you are to late, it dissapears.

After the RunAs screen is dissapeared, the admin menu totally loses control, and it's impossible to close it or work with it, a restart through the menu is possible and the only sollution.


See Reproduction

Answer: (3)

Re: Taskmanager open up with Runas 17/02/2011 16:04

This issue was fixed with SiteKiosk 7.7 (Authentication dialog boxes no longer drop behind the Escape dialog box.) and it is also not reproducible with 7.7.313.
Therefore you might use an older Version then 7.7.313.
Please check.

Version History:

Michael Olbrich
Re: Taskmanager open up with Runas 17/02/2011 16:18
I just reproduced it, I clicked Task Manager and than I highlighted the Admin Panel again and the RunAs dialog dissapeared again.

I'm using the latest version 7.7.313 for sure.
Re: Taskmanager open up with Runas 18/02/2011 09:49

I am sorry but this is not reproducible.
I have tested it with SiteKiosk 7.7.313 on several Windows XP and Windows 7 systems.

Which skin do you use?
What if creating a new configuration?

Michael Olbrich
My Account
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