Support Request: Autostart + Shell replacement by custom application


Hi, our company has a large number of licensed SiteKiosk 6.x (Win XP 32 bit) and 7.x (Win 7 64 bit).

We wrote an application to create a new configuration file, but we don't know exactly how to apply the new configuratin by our application.

We written the Winlogon/Shell key as explained by this article . It works for the SiteKiosk 6, but not for the 7.

Could you kindly help us asap?

Best regards,
Antonio Petricca

Answer: (1)

Re: Autostart + Shell replacement by custom application 21/01/2015 11:54

the SiteKiosk configuraiton file (.skcfg) does not contain the start settings.
Generally the start settings (written to the Windows Registry) haven’t changed since SiteKiosk 6 but with SiteKiosk 7 and higher I would advice using the “SKStartup.exe” together with a prepared XML to set the start settings.

First you need to configure the start options you want to use in the “Custom” start settings:
When done you export these settings to a XML file.

This XML can be used then as parameter with the “SKStartup.exe” to set the start options on Windows.

Further information here:
1.3 Customized and 7. Export SiteKiosk startup options

Michael Olbrich
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