Support Request: Auto show/hide keyboard


I have question about properties of auto show/hide keyboard.
When i open for example and i touch touchscreen in input tekst field keyboard open automaticly.
but when i touch touchscreen outside of this field mouse pointer jump to this localalisation but keyboard is still open.
Keyboard goes hidden only when i choose button on this page.

I need to hide keyboard when i touch touchscrenne in any place outside input field.
Do you have any suggestions?

Best Regards

Answer: (5)

Re: Auto show/hide keyboard 21/01/2015 16:03

The onscreen keyboard will automatically maximize when the focus is on an input filed and minimize when the focus is not in an input field.

But on the Google page the focus is always on the input field. You even can verify this with using a hardware keyboard. Just click outside the search field and then press any key at the keyboard. The text will automatically appear at the input field.
This applies to the code of the web page.

Michael Olbrich
Re: Auto show/hide keyboard 21/01/2015 16:29
Ok, it was not best example.
But i have this problem on my own site wich is not accesible in Internet.
and after blur keybord is still open.

I found different example on web

when i touch touchscreen outside input field but not on other item keyboard is open and focus is not on input
Re: Auto show/hide keyboard 22/01/2015 14:10

SiteKiosk will just use the corresponding Windows API events to maximize the onscreen keyboard when an input is required and minimize the onscreen keyboard when the input is not required anymore.

I am sorry but the issue on is not reproducible.
On my system the keyboard will minimize provided no advertisement banner is displayed.
Otherwise the advertisement popup on that web page is making the focus stay captured in the input field.
You will have the same behavior on e.g. Windows 7 with the onscreen keyboard of Windows hat automatically displays when using input fields (tested with IE).

So even the issue on you page is that the focus is still on the input field.

Michael Olbrich
Re: Auto show/hide keyboard 22/01/2015 18:32
Unfortunately, windows keyboard works in differen way then SK keyboard.
I prepare small test script to test it.
SK keyboard works well when i use buttons but if SKKBD is opened and I touch touchscreen on background SK keyboard is still open.
Description with pictures you can find in pdf fie here:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<input type="text" id="Text" value="Tu wprowadź tekst">
<p>Choose button to set cursor in text field or to remove.</p>
<button type="button" onclick="Ustaw()">Set cursor</button>
<button type="button" onclick="Usun()">Remove cursor</button>
function Ustaw() {

function Usun() {

Re: Auto show/hide keyboard 23/01/2015 08:59

the Keyboard works as designed. If you nedd additional functions you can use our object model to define if the keyboard occurs or dissapears.

Regards Martin
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