Support Request: Javascript doPostBack error


We have an issue where some javascript on a website is used for clicking between pages does not work on Site Kiosk 8.9. It generates the following error Script Error: URL: ; ErrMsg: "the value of the property ' __doPostBack' is null or undefined not a function option "; line: 1; char: 1 ; Code: 0; The site worked fine in our old XP based SiteKiosk 8.1 PC. It also works fine on the SiteKiosk PC when not in Sitekiosk mode.

We are running Windows 7 32 bit

The Javascript on the page which causes the issue is javascript:__doPostBack('lnkPageNumber3Top','')

Answer: (3)

Re: Javascript doPostBack error 26/01/2015 11:03

This is a JavaScript error from the web page you display. The SiteKiosk Browser is using the Internet Explorer Webbrowser Control of the installed IE version.

Did you check the web page in IE on the system you run SiteKiosk on?
Is there a difference in SiteKiosk when you start in “Run once”mode?
You may also check if there is a difference in SiteKiosk when deactivating the option “Add "SiteKiosk" to user agent header” at “-->Start Page & Browser-->Advanced”.

If that doesn’t help please provide the URL and a short description how to reproduce the problem thet I can check it here.

Michael Olbrich
Re: Javascript doPostBack error 26/01/2015 13:23
Interestingly the solution worked on the device when running any flavour of browser outside SiteKiosk, it also worked OK with older version of SiteKios (8.1).

So I removed the prefix from the user agent and that fixed the issue, thanks

I don't understand why the useragent would stop JS working though!
Re: Javascript doPostBack error 26/01/2015 13:26

Thank you for your feedback. There must be any code on that web page (in the JS code) detecting the user agent header.
You can check the user agent header e.g. at

Michael Olbrich
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