Article ID: 25180
Creation Date: 17/12/2019 11:15
Product: SiteKiosk Classic Windows
Attachment: -
ArticleType: FAQ
Version: -
Language: English
Views: 37980
Last Modification Date: 04/08/2023 12:05
Platform: Windows
Level: Closed
FAQ: Emergency screen loads in SiteKiosk
The so-called emergency screen loads if SiteKiosk was restarted by the software watchdog (or for any other reason) 10 times in 1200 seconds.
Also see “3. Monitoring”:
Or if the SiteKiosk configuration file (*.skcfg) could not be loaded.
To leave the emergency mode you can use the logoff button on screen (or press ESC) and enter the general password (or even the password you configured last when using the unlicensed version).
You will find your general password, for example, on your SiteKiosk invoice or in the e-mail that was sent to you and contains your registration information.
Your general password is composed of the first eleven letters/numbers (including the dash) of your registration code. This will ensure that the general password will only work with your version of SiteKiosk.
If you are using a touch screen and have not activated the on-screen keyboard in the SiteKiosk configuration, you can alternatively activate an on-screen keyboard in the Exit dialog (bottom left icon).
Otherwise please see this FAQ:
When having access again, you should login as administrator and check the system / SiteKiosk configuration (e.g. by opening the configuration file in the SiteKiosk configuration tool, default location ="C:\Program Files (x86)\SiteKiosk\Config").
In case you use any standby / wake settings I would strongly recommend to check that Fast Boot (Windows 8) or Fast Startup (Windows 10) is disabled at the client machine.
Alternatively you can deactivate Hibernate mode under Windows (e.g. using command line: powercfg /h off)
Also see “Note” at “1. System/screen settings”:
Else the emergency screen may have been caused by a slower performance of the machine and the system is very busy during startup.
To verify this you need to check the log files (…\SiteKiosk\Logfiles) when having access to the system again.
You also can try setting the crash detection values in the SiteKiosk Configuration higher (e.g. from 30 to 90 seconds).
To do this open the SiteKiosk configuration tool and go to -->Maintenance-->Monitoring-->Settings. Please try this solution first.
If that doesn’t help you may also check if it happens in “Run once” mode or when configuring the Metro IE Skin instead of the Chrome Browser skin.