Support Request: SiteKiosk Online Cloud AutoUpdate Frequency


If our organization is using SiteKiosk Client Cloud without the client auto update option, how often do we need to update our SiteKiosk clients in order to remain compatible with the SiteKiosk Cloud updates. For example, if were to only manual update our SiteKiosk clients on a yearly basis, and the SiteKiosk clients remain a version or two older than the current SiteKiosk Cloud version, will they remain compatible until they manually updated?

Also, if we do use the auto update option and our SiteKiosk clients have customized configurations, do we need to be concerned with the auto updates of newer versions overwriting or modifying our custom configurations?

Answer: (1)

Re: SiteKiosk Online Cloud AutoUpdate Frequency 08/04/2024 22:19

Thank you for your inquiry. The App Update found here - -refers to project features when the server is updated to a newer version and a new or recent edited project was published to the device (based on the new version). This explains references found in the logs that you may find regarding app updates. This happens at a time when the device is not in use.

Client Updates, found here - - , can be done through Control>>Updates tab after installing or upgrading to version 1.4.x and higher (Android devices need additional permissions). These updates may include new features and bug fixes, where you can decide based on need. Details can be found at Dashboard >>News (scroll down).

These client updates may include newer browser engines. Some users tend upgrade the client versions mostly due to this reason as websites update frequently (mostly 1-2 years).

If the client update feature is not working for you or does not meet certain specifications, please contact us by email: support-america(at)

Best regards,
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