Support Request: Open Word Doc using open office writer in Browser crashes Sitekiosk


In sitekiosk, under configuration, load the example.skcfg file.

Go to Browser -> Downloads -> Click Allow downloads
Go to Browser -> File Manager -> Allow file manager
Go to Applications -> Click Show "Programs" button
-> add commandline path to writer (c:\program files\open 2.1\program\swriter.exe)
-> Name this path "Open Office Writer"
Save as wordcrash.skcfg
Go to Security -> Password -> User Defined keyboard combination -> enter a password.

Start sitekiosk in run once mode.

Go to, type word doc and search. Click on a search result that is a word doc.
Sitekiosk will crash.
Once it returns, try the same page, it will download the document and sitekiosk will not crash.

As soon as you log out or clear the cache, the crash will occur again.


I am able to consistently reproduce a crash in Sitekiosk using open office and open office writer as the default program for word documents. The crash occurs when trying to open word documents from the web. For example a search result that is a word doc.

In the administrator account and limited useraccount when opening Internet explorer and clicking on a word document using an online search, it will prompt to download the file.

In sitekiosk, this will cause sitekiosk to crash the first time. After you have attempted and this is in the cache, the document will load fine until you clear the cache by logging out. Normally, we have sitekiosk clear the cache on all crashes. However, the kiosk is not usable in the instance and we have thus had to disable this until logout.

I have also reproduced this bug on the latest version of sitekiosk 7.1267. The latest final version does NOT fix this problem.

Answer: (2)

Re: Open Word Doc using open office writer in Browser crashes Sitekiosk 21/07/2009 15:52

thank you fort his notification.
I was able to reproduce this issue also when using SiteKiosk 7.1.267 and the actual version of Open Office (3.1.0).

I have forwarded this information to our developer team. They will validate if this behaviour of SiteKiosk is a bug and will fix it, in case it is.

Michael Olbrich
Re: Open Word Doc using open office writer in Browser crashes Sitekiosk 04/05/2010 11:14

This issue is now fixed with SiteKiosk version 7.5:

Michael Olbrich
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