Safe and Digital in the Shopping Center
3D wayfinding system revolutionizes the shopping experience in stationary retail
The operators of the Finnish shopping center Sello in the city of Espoo improve customer service with a modern, touch-based 3D wayfinding solution by 3d-berlin. The kiosk software SiteKiosk used for this project, developed by PROVISIO, not only enables the integration of interactive digital signage applications, but also controls and monitors the entire system and integrates central services for building security and evacuation.
The Challenge
Sello is the second largest shopping center in Finland and expects over 23 million customers and visitors from all over the world per year. A multilingual kiosk solution was needed for general security and services for customers such as providing location information. In cooperation with Hartikaari Ltd., a provider of digital signage services, PROVISIO implemented the three-dimensional digital wayfinding solution in combination with additional services. On a total of 100,000 m², more than seventeen 55-inch interactive displays show the way.
The Solution
The publicly accessible wayfinding systems provide information in four languages and are designed to help locate one's own location as well as stores or services in the shopping center. The three-dimensional display of the routes offers visitors a special shopping experience. In addition, pre-selected 3D graphic routes can be downloaded directly to the visitor's smartphone by simply scanning the QR code displayed on the screen.
Especially for shopping centers that place a lot of emphasis on good customer service, an interactive digital signage solution is worthwhile because it offers visitors real added value and creates incentives to buy.
Martin Kurze, Business Developer at PROVISIO
However, this is only achieved if the kiosk software required for this purpose has the right on-board resources, i.e. comprehensive tools for visually appealing preparation of information. "With SiteKiosk, shopping centers can provide information and services attractively in different display formats, such as video, web page, pop-up, animation, image or PDF," explains Martin Kurze. "Limited-time offers, routes and details about stores or brands can be included, as well as building floor plans or public transportation schedules." The 55 terminals are also connected to the shopping center's intranet and network and can be controlled via them. If there is a security problem, the kiosk system interrupts normal operation, automatically relays an alarm message and provides information for evacuation.

The Prospect
Sello's operators particularly appreciate the flexibility and range of possible uses for future promotions, ideas, and services that can be depicted on the displays with the help of SiteKiosk. Informative elements relating to topics around the shopping center can be expanded on the large displays to include a news feed or advertisements, for example. The security-relevant aspects as well as setting options for more accessibility at the terminal therefore strengthened the operators in their choice of SiteKiosk.

About Sello
Sello is a shopping center in the Finnish city of Espoo and is one of the largest shopping centers in Scandinavia with an area of approximately 100,000 m² and more than 170 stores, supermarkets, restaurants and cafés. In addition, Sello includes a municipal library, a concert hall and a hotel.
You have questions about this project? You want to realize your own project with SiteKiosk? We will be glad to help you. Please contact us!