Support Request: Locked out of Android


Cannot reproduce as this has only happened to 2/6 tablets.


We setup SiteKiosk on a clean install of Android. There have been some tablets that cannot seem to get past the password screen.
It accepts no password and we cannot seem to get past it.This happens after couple of days after SiteKiosk install.

There was no password set except to unlock SiteKiosk

It's a Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.1

Answer: (1)

Re: Locked out of Android 5/18/2015 4:54 PM

There is no known issue and the only password SiteKiosk “knows” is the password you configured in the SiteKiosk configuration and the general password (if the product is licensed).

If the SiteKiosk installation is licensed you also can use the general password to leave SiteKiosk.
Please see here:

Michael Olbrich

As we are in contact here I deleted the comment at the other (old) request from 2007.
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