Support Request: Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Page



I am reporting an issue with SiteKiosk software that we have installed on many computers. The browser works totally fine, except when we open the Yahoo webpage, or Yahoo mail. Once we point the browser to any Yahoo related service or page, the browser freezes, and then crashes, which will direct us back to the home page of SiteKiosk. It seems as there's a potential bug that the browser crashes when it detects some unmatched content on Yahoo.

Please advise as soon as possible.


Answer: (2)

Re: Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Page 8/11/2015 6:32 PM
If the page freezes when you hit the submit button, you may try adjusting the watchdog settings:

SiteKiosk is required to report back to the Software Watchdog (watchdog.exe) after certain (adjustable) intervals (30 seconds by default).
( SiteKiosk configuration -->Maintenance-->Monitoring-->Settings).

If SiteKiosk fails to report back within the set interval, the Software Watchdog restarts either the SiteKiosk browser.
This ensures that there is little to no downtime of the application.

If you see this entry only on occasion, you should not worry about it too much.
If you operate terminals that are in constant use 24/7, it is not unusual for this entry to occur every once in a while, as, for instance, users sometimes open an HTML page that contains errors.

You may try increasing the Software watchdog time setting.

1. Open the configuration file
2. Scroll down to the ‘Maintenance’ section
3. In the ‘Maintenance’ section, locate the ‘Monitoring' section and click the ”Settings” button
4. Locate the Crash Detection settings (“If SiteKiosk does not respond…” and “If a window is black (or disabled) for…”) and increase the time (in seconds). The default is 30 seconds.
5. Save and run the SiteKiosk software.
Re: Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Page 8/11/2015 11:46 PM
Thanks for response,

We tried your suggested solution, unfortunately the problem still exists with no good results at all. We also tried to increase the number of seconds to be more than 200 seconds, and still did not work. Please advise more if possible.

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