Support Request: No Popup for bypass code


When users on our website forget their information they can gave a bypass code sent viw phone call, text, or emial to their phone number or email address on file with their account. In site kiosk when clicking the send bypass code nothing happens. When outside sitekiosk another window pops up to verify contact info. The line in the log file with *** in front represemts the line being logged whn that send bypass code option is selected.

Answer: (1)

Re: No Popup for bypass code 10/14/2015 8:25 PM
You can try disabling the pop-up blocker. To do this, open the SiteKiosk configuration tool and go to >Basic >Start Page & Browser >Advanced then uncheck the box labeled "Enable popup blocking (requires Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher)". If that does not work, are you running SiteKiosk in full screen mode? Please send a copy of the SiteKiosk configuration file and steps to replicate the issue to ward(at)
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