Support Request: Print always paused



We have a problem with SK which always pauses the printer.
This means that when a user starts printing, the printer freezes.

- We have unchecked "keep printer paused after...".
- We've disabled SiteKiosk printer supervision.
- Still the same result.

If we quit SK, we instantly see the printer status change to "unpaused".

Can you help us?

Thank you

Answer: (2)

Re: Print always paused 7/11/2023 5:29 PM
PS : during our test we noticed a difference beetween the same job size in SK = 305Mo and out SK = 12.2Mo. Result > when printing works, it's very very very long in SK :(
Re: Print always paused 7/12/2023 8:58 AM

I assume this is about SiteKiosk Classic Windows and you enabled the printer monitoring.
Generally, “Printer Monitoring” pauses the printer when it is not in use and slows down the printing process slightly (depending on the speed of your computer).
If necessary, deactivate Printer Monitoring in the SiteKiosk Classic configuration and test it again.

Please also generally note: SiteRemote and SiteKiosk Classic are legacy products. They get service updates (security and bugfixes) only until the end of 2025.

Therefore, you may continue using SiteKiosk Online:

Michael Olbrich
My Account
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