Support Request: Kiosk start screen not full size


Greetings, I created a master Kiosk Image using vmWARE. I syspreped the image and uploaded it to our deployment solution. When I run the site Kiosk (still in evaluation mode since I did not enter the license information yet) the start / main page is not taking up the full screen. I am using the Chrome skin and I did select to use full screen within the configuration. I could a JS script for an older version of site Kiosk. If I run that java script, I get the same results.

Answer: (1)

Re: Kiosk start screen not full size 10/27/2023 2:57 PM

Thank you for your inquiry. The browser workarea (includes Start Screen) is generally based on the screen resolution of the Windows system.

This change can happen if the display resolution is changed after starting the SiteKiosk Classic Windows Client or if the Windows system is restarted while the monitor was (physically) switched off (for example, during the standard restart at 4 a.m. >SiteKiosk Configuration>System Maintenance).

First you can test with a new configuration file if you are using one from an older version.

Second, there are settings that can be used to enforce the video resolution in the XML backend of the configuration file. Note that changes there, may risk corruption of your configuration file settings. (SiteKiosk application should be closed, and backups should be made of the config file.)

Select the from the list of valid display modes in Windows Settings >>Display Settings>>Advanced Display>>Display Adapter Propeties>>Adapter>>List All Modes. Use this to specify the adjustments needed from Sections 4 (Screen Resolution) and 5 (Restrict SiteKiosk to a Portion of the Screen) from the Manually Configurable Options link:

Note that is only applies to SiteKiosk Classic Windows.

Best regards,
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