Ticket ID: 26607
Creation Date: 2/1/2024 9:17 PM
Product: SiteKiosk Online Client
Attachment: -
TicketType: Support Request
Version: 1.3.1125
Language: English
Views: 5329
Last Modification Date: 2/29/2024 11:13 PM
Level: Closed
Support Request: Opening links containing PDF files
We are presently unable to open links to PDF's through SiteKiosk. We've tried installing Adobe Reader, but this did not help. We've changed file associates for PDF docs to SiteKiosk, but this did not help. The files try to open in SiteKiosk, but we just get a spinning wheel.
Documentation in the SiteKiosk forum are around 12 years old. We are presently running SiteKiosk in Win11.
Looking for suggestions for a resolution.